Sunday, September 23, 2012

Fire Fighter 5K

Awhile back Justin signed us up to run in a 5k.  I ended up being grossly underprepared and then contracted the stomach virus from hell the weekend before so I didn't run.  Justin was ready to go and excited for his first opportunity to beat me at a 3 mile run.  Then the wednesday before the race he sprained an ankle.  He was a trooper though and ran anyway.  William and I were troopers because we got up at the a*s crack of dawn to watch:)  William smartly wore the fire truck onsie that his Nana got for him and was a total hit.  I have to say that this was a very cool 5k and I would like to run in it next year.  There were some fire fighters that actually wore their flack (sp?) suits in the race!!  PS it was like 90 degrees out there!  By far the coolest thing about this race was the shirts.  I am wearing my shirt that I got even though I didn't run.  They had like 7 shirt options.  Even if I can't run again next year I might sign up just for the apparel.  Anyway Justin did great and we cheered him on from the sidelines.  Here are some photos:

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