Sunday, June 24, 2012

Grandma comes to visit

Justin left us for a bachelor party with Brian!  Just messing with you guys, hope it was a blast!  In the meantime Grandma came to visit and help me out.  We had a good time and it was quite an eventful weekend. 

Grandma and William had play time on Thursday:

On Friday William went in for his 4 month check up at the pediatrician.  He did great and flirted with the pretty doctor.  He weighed 13lbs and 13oz (45%) and was 25-1/4" long (70%! which is up from 50% last time).  He is very strong and advanced physically.  They gave us the go ahead to start on solids.  He also got his second round of shots.  No Fun!  But William was very brave and left with a smile.  Then him and grandma hung out in the afternoon while mom went to work:

On Saturday Me, Grandma and William went shopping at Babies R Us and got all kinds of cool stuff.  Grandma bought William a new jumperoo, Sophie the teething Giraffe, an OBall and some Rice cereal!!  We came home and played with the toys and then for dinner William tried Rice Cereal.  He LOVED it and gobbled it all up!

Then on Sunday William had a few milestones.  First he rolled over from back to belly!  We'll see if he can do it again soon and second he pet Mr. Kitty.  It was hilarious!  I made him stop and he was not very happy about it.

It was a good weekend but we miss daddy and can't wait for him to come home.  We will miss Grandma and we are so glad she came to hang out!

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