Wednesday, April 25, 2012

9 Weeks Old, Frog Pajamas & Shots:(

William is now 9 weeks old. 

He is now wearing all of his 3 month clothes and is pretty much done with his newborn stuff.  I don't think that realization has fully hit me yet... We are having fun dressing him in the new stuff that fits him.  I adore these frog pjs and there is a frog face on the butt too! 

We also had a doctors visit today and he got all checked out. 
His stats were:
10lbs 15oz (45%)
22-3/4" long (50%)
15" head circumference(25%)

He also had to get his shots today:(  It sucked!  BUT, he did such a great job.  He only cried for a minute and cuddled up to mommy once they were done.  Here he is after getting his shots and got dressed. 

Monday, April 23, 2012

Wedding Fun

The Irby family including William traveled down to Ft. Lauderdale this past weekend for our friends wedding.  It was a blast and Williams first venture out of Palm Beach County.  He slept through most of the ceremony but really enjoyed flirting with the girls in the hotel room and the cocktail hour.  The reception was fun for awhile but a bit on the loud side.   Here are some wonderful pictures from the weekend:

 Such a Ladies Man!

The next day required a serious nap!!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Walking Shoes

William decided he wanted to wear shoes to practice his standing.  OK, maybe his parents thought it would be funny to put shoes on him.  They stayed on like 3 minutes!

I'm 8 weeks old today!!

And practicing my karate, HI-YAW!

Friday, April 13, 2012

Lucky # 7

So I'm a little late but here is the little man at 7 weeks!  Can't believe he's almost two months old!  Last week he weighed in at 10lbs 13oz, he is getting so big:)

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Grandpa Jim!

Grandpa Jim visited this past weekend and had a ton of fun with William!  They bonded:)  Also, Aunt Karin, Uncle Paul, and Cousin Colin were in town so we all met up for lunch.  Here are some great pictures from the weekend:

Wednesday, April 4, 2012