Thursday, March 29, 2012

5 Weeks!

William turned 5 weeks old yesterday!  I added new pics to his weekly page so check them out!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Pro Pictures #2

This past weekend we got more professional pictures and they turned out amazing!  Here is a small sample:

Monday, March 19, 2012

Pro Pictures #1

I am super excited to share the professional pictures we got done at the hospital.  Looking at them I can't believe how much he has grown in just under a month!  Check out the little prince:)

Thursday, March 15, 2012

The Water Thief

Mr. Kitty has decided that he likes to drink from all water sources in our house.  This includes but is not limited to his bowl, anything soaking in the sink, and the toilet.  However, Justin and I both agree the picture below illustrates his bravest and boldest choice of water source:

We catch him in the act of drinking out of the dogs bowl.  AND, so does the dog:

So we wait to see whats going to happen........The verdict: As long as you don't drink it all we can share! Ha!

We have such great animals:)

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

I'm three weeks old today!!

I can't believe its been three weeks already and yet it seems like an extremely long time has passed since we left the hospital.  Happy Three Week Birthday little prince!!

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Who Does Baby Irby Look Like???

Lets take a poll.  Do you think William looks like his dad or his mom? 

Here's a photo of mom and dad:

 Here's a photo of baby William:

So what do you think?  Does he look like Justin or Shannon?  Ok, now I think I'm gonna surprise you......scroll down....

Here is a picture of Baby Shannon next to Baby William!  They look so similar!!!!!

Welcome to the Family William

William Preston Irby joined our family on February 22, 2012 at 1:11pm.  He was right on time!  Born exactly on his due date!  He was 7lbs 15oz and 20.5" long.  We feel so lucky to have such an adorable baby! 

Welcome to Our Family Blog!

We have created a page to keep all our family and friends updated on what is going on with our lives.  We can post pictures and give you all updates on what is going on!  Please feel free to chat and leave us comments.
Love you all!

Shannon & Justin