Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Brian & Helen's Wedding

We just returned from our trip out to California for Brian & Helen's wedding.  We had such a good time and we are so happy for the Wensel's!!  Justin, William and I stayed with the Mercers in San Jose and had lots of fun!  Here are some pictures from the weekend.  Hopefully more to come!

20 and 21 Weeks

We have made it to 5 months old! 

William is such an awesome baby.  He is eating solids!  We have tried cereal, oatmeal, avocado, banana, sweet potato, and green beans.  He can now sit up on his own, stand without us holding him up and we are thinking he will be crawling soon.  Right now he can push up on all fours and rock back and forth. 

Monday, July 9, 2012

18 & 19 weeks

Time just keeps flying by.....

July 4th Fun!

We had lots of fun as a family on the 4th of July.  We did some grocery shopping and baking in the morning.  We took Camden to the dog park.  William took a nap.  Then we went to a fun cookout at The Ross's house and played in the pool.  William and Madison had some hang out time.  Then it was back home for fireworks.  I was worried that William would be scared but once he saw the fireworks he thought they were very cool!